Wednesday, April 04, 2007

From the Mystery of Holy Anointing

On Wednesday of Holy Week, we celebrate the Mystery of Holy Anointing. This sacrament of healing helps prepare us for the final days of Holy Week. The service features seven sets of Scripture readings with seven prayers over the oil. In addition, prayers of forgiveness are also read. While not substituting for Holy Confession, Holy Anointing reminds us that we are each one being, body and soul, and that there is a connection between suffering and sin, although not always obvious. The Anointing for healing reminds us of our Chrismation, which brings the healing of the Holy Spirit.

By Your sacred oil, O loving God, You gave Your grace through Your Apostles to heal the wounds and illnesses of all. Therefore, with compassion sanctify and have mercy on those who now approach the oil with faith and cleanse them of all illnesses and make them worthy of Your unfading blessings.

Look down from heaven, O ineffable One, with compassion and with Your unseen hand bless our senses, O loving God. Give healing of body and soul to those who with faith hasten to Your sacred oil, and beg forgiveness of their offenses, so that with boldness they may glorify you and magnify Your power.

Through the anointing of Your mercy and the touch of Your priests. O loving God, sanctify Your servants from on high. Save their souls from sin, O Savior. Cleanse and wash them. Deliver them from evil temptations. Relieve their pain and make their ways smooth. By Your pity and compassion, take away their trials and tribulations.

From the Praises, Mystery of Holy Anointing

All sovereign Master and holy King, You chastise but do not kill. You support those who fall and raise up those who are cast down. We ask You, our God, who ease the bodily afflictions of us humans, that You may let Your mercy rest upon this oil and upon those anointed with it in Your name. May it be to them for the healing of soul and body, for cleansing and relief from all suffering, from all sickness and disease, and from all defilement of flesh and spirit. Yes, O Lord, send down from heaven Your healing power, touch the body, allay the fever, sooth the suffering, and drive away all hidden weaknesses. Become the physician of Your servants. Raise them upon from their bed of affliction and couch of woe. Restore them safe and sound to Your Church that they may please You and do Your will.

For You, our God, are merciful and can save us, and to You we give glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Third Gospel Prayer over the Oil, Mystery of Holy Anointing

(4th Tone) O Christ, who are quick to help, manifest Your speedy visitation from on high upon Your suffering servants. Deliver them from infirmities and bitter pains; and raise them up again so that they may praise and glorify You without cease, through the prayers of the Theotokos, O You who alone are the Lover of Mankind.

(4th Tone) I have lost the very eyes of my soul, wherefore I come to You, O Christ, as did the man who had been blind from birth, and I cry out to You with repentance: “To those who stumble in darkness, You are a radiant and resplendent light.”

(3rd Tone) O Lord, as You raised the Paralytic of old, in Your divine goodness lift up my soul completely paralyzed by many sins and all kinds of wickedness, so that I may be saved and may cry out to you: “Glory to Your might, O merciful Christ!”

From the Troparia, Mystery of Holy Anointing

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