Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Introduction to Orthros - Part Seven

The basic outline of the Sunday Orthros as practiced in many churches is summarized below.

Introductory Prayers – Trisagion Prayers and Censing of the Church

Six Psalms

God is the Lord and Troparia of the Day and Theotokion

Little Litany

Kathismata (Sessional Hymns)


Little Litany

Hypacoi, Anavathmi and Prokimenon

Preparation for the Eothinon Gospel

Gospel Reading

Prayer and Psalm 50

Diaconal Intercessional Prayer

Kontakion, Ikos and Synaxarion

Katavasia 1-8

Hymn of the Virgin with Refrain

Katavasia 9

Little Litany and versicle


Praises, Doxastikon and Theotokion

Great Doxology

Final Hymn

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